How To Get Rid Of Mold & Mildew In Your House All Year Round

How To Get Rid Of Mold & Mildew In Your House All Year Round

The humidity in your house can cause musty smells, but you can easily get rid of this problem with a few simple steps. It is not uncommon for homes to have high levels of humidity. This can be very damaging to the inside of the home.

High levels of humidity in the house will allow mold and mildew to grow inside your walls and floors. The good news is that there are a few simple steps you can take to make sure that your home doesn’t get musty and humid during these times of the year.

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What Causes A Musty Smell?

Musty odors in a home have a variety of sources. Generally, the odor is the result of mold and mildew spores, but it can also be caused by excessive humidity or water leaks. In some cases, musty odors are caused by cigarette smoke, fire damage, or even pet urine. To locate the source of the odor, isolate different areas of the home and check for similar odors.

Musty smells are difficult to get rid of, and they can persist for months or even years. The most commonly known cause of the musty odor is the presence of mildew and its associated bacteria.

To get rid of musty smells, it’s important to understand what causes them in the first place. Moisture is the most important factor here. If a room gets too humid, mold begins to grow inside it. This mildew produces a noticeable odor that can linger for months, even after you remove the source of moisture.

Sources of Excessive Humidity:

  • Condensation and leaks around windows, walls, roofs, air conditioners, exhaust fans, and plumbing fixtures.
  • Condensation buildup on cold surfaces such as refrigerators, freezers, cold water pipes, and water pipes.
  • Improper ventilation of bathrooms and kitchens.
  • A source of running water, such as a leaky pipe or leaking toilet
  • Overflowing laundry or dishwashers.
  • Leaky air conditioning units and humidifiers.
  • Excessive humidity in the air results from overcrowding, inadequate ventilation, and poor circulation of air.

The Best Ways To Get Rid Of Musty Smells

Here are some ways to get rid of musty smells:

How To Get Rid Of Mold & Mildew In Your House All Year Round

Open Windows or Add Air Purifier:

Open windows while you are cleaning up your house. This will allow dust particles to escape so that they do not spread around the house and make it harder for you to clean up later. Besides opening up your windows, you should also turn on a fan or an air purifier. The reason is simple: fan blades and the cool air can help pull dust particles away from surfaces.

How To Get Rid Of Mold & Mildew In Your House All Year Round

Add Dehumidifier:

Use a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air, When the air moisture level is high, it makes the air feel warmer than it is. If you place a dehumidifier in your bedroom at night, it will remove excess moisture from the air and help you sleep more comfortably. A dehumidifier reduces the humidity in a room by removing moisture from the air. Moisture in the air can also be called humidity. Humidity is usually measured as relative humidity. A dehumidifier reduces this relative humidity level with a cooling coil that absorbs water from the air. This process makes the air dryer and reduces its temperature.

How To Get Rid Of Mold & Mildew In Your House All Year Round

Use Houseplants:

Add houseplants to add color, texture, and life to your home. They help clean the air in your home. Research shows that houseplants can remove hazardous carbon monoxide gas, formaldehyde, and xylene from the air in your home.

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How To Get Rid Of Mold & Mildew In Your House All Year Round

Dust Regularly:

Remove dust by vacuuming the carpet and floor with a vacuum cleaner. Vacuum all the floors, upholstery, window frames, baseboards, curtains, etc. Dust regularly by using a feather duster or cloth.

How To Get Rid Of Mold & Mildew In Your House All Year Round

Mop Floors:

Mop floors with vinegar and water to rid them of any lingering odors. Vinegar is a great disinfectant, and it also removes stains and deodorizes floors.

How To Get Rid Of Mold & Mildew In Your House All Year Round

Add Natural Air Fresheners:

Use fresh flowers, lemon scent air freshener, dried lavender around your house to freshen up the air and make your home smell great.

How To Get Rid Of Mold & Mildew In Your House All Year Round

Clean Dishwasher Regularly:

To prevent mold from growing on the dishes inside the dishwasher, you should clean your dishwasher regularly. Run a cycle with no dishes once a week and use vinegar or baking soda to clean the machine. These chemicals will help kill mold, which is relatively hardy.

How To Get Rid Of Mold & Mildew In Your House All Year Round

Remove Mold From Washing Machine:

The best way to remove mold from the washing machine is to use bleach. Bleach will kill the mold, as well as prevent it from growing back. Before you use bleach on the washing machine, make sure that you remove all clothing and linens from it first. You should also wear rubber gloves and eye protection while you clean it.


This article has taught you the reasons why mold and mildew occur in your house, how to prevent it from coming back, and how to get rid of it. Be sure to follow these tips so that you can start enjoying a more pleasant home environment as soon as possible.

How To Get Rid Of Mold & Mildew In Your House All Year Round


About Author

Gulzar Abid

Gulzar Abid

Gulzar Abid is a passionate entrepreneur with a thirst for knowledge and yearns to help empower people to initiate their journey of growth and success. Chief Executive Officer K2 Groups Chief Executive Officer K2 Heating & Air Conditioning

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